# variables pour les 4 états représentés par 4 lumières var state[4] = [0,0,0,0] var new_state[4] = [0,0,0,0] # variable for angle var angle # variables for notes var notes[6] var durations[6] var note_index = 6 var note_count = 6 var wave[142] var i var wave_phase var wave_intensity # compute a sinus wave for sound for i in 0:141 do wave_phase = (i-70)*468 call math.cos(wave_intensity, wave_phase) wave[i] = wave_intensity/256 end call sound.wave(wave) # stop timer 0 timer.period[0] = 0 # setup threshold for detecting claps mic.threshold = 250 # reset outputs call sound.system(-1) call leds.top(0,0,0) call leds.bottom.left(0,0,0) call leds.bottom.right(0,0,0) call leds.circle(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) # subroutine to display the current state sub display_state call leds.circle(0,state[1]*32,0,state[3]*32,0,state[2]*32,0,state[0]*32) # when a note is finished, play the next note onevent sound.finished #===================== if note_index != note_count then call sound.freq(notes[note_index], durations[note_index]) note_index += 1 end # Traitement des boutons onevent buttons #============== when button.center == 1 do new_state[0] = 0 # Variables d'état new_state[1] = 0 # "callsub display_state" doit être appelé pour avoir un effet c.f. 7 lignes plus haut new_state[2] = 0 new_state[3] = 0 motor.left.target = 0 # Arrête le moteur gauche motor.right.target = 0 # Arrête le moteur droit call leds.top(32,32,32) # Allume les LEDs du haut call leds.bottom.left(32,32,32) # Allume les LEDs du bas gauche call leds.bottom.right(32,32,32) # Allume les LEDs du bas droit call math.copy(notes[0:4], [440, 311, 440, 311, 524]) call math.copy(durations[0:4], [14, 14, 14, 7, 7]) note_index = 1 note_count = 5 call sound.freq(notes[0], durations[0]) # émet des sons timer.period[0] = 1500 # Lance le timer emit pair_run 0 # Une information durant le développement, pas essentiel end when button.forward == 1 do if state[0] == 0 and state[1] == 0 and state[2] == 0 and state[3] == 0 then new_state[1] = 1 new_state[3] = 1 call leds.top(32,0,0) call leds.bottom.left(0,32,0) call leds.bottom.right(0,32,0) emit pair_run 1 end end when button.right == 1 do if state[0] == 0 and state[1] == 1 and state[2] == 0 and state[3] == 1 then new_state[1] = 0 new_state[2] = 1 new_state[3] = 1 call leds.top(0,32,32) emit pair_run 2 end end when button.backward == 1 do if state[0] == 0 and state[1] == 0 and state[2] == 1 and state[3] == 1 then new_state[0] = 1 new_state[2] = 1 new_state[3] = 0 call leds.bottom.left(32,32,0) call leds.bottom.right(32,32,0) emit pair_run 3 end end when button.left == 1 do if state[0] == 1 and state[1] == 0 and state[2] == 1 and state[3] == 0 then new_state[0] = 0 new_state[2] = 0 call leds.bottom.left(32,0,32) call leds.bottom.right(32,0,32) emit pair_run 4 end end when button.left == 1 and button.right == 1 do if state[0] == 0 and state[1] == 0 and state[2] == 0 and state[3] == 0 then new_state[1] = 1 new_state[3] = 1 motor.left.target = 100 motor.right.target = 100 timer.period[0] = 1000 call math.copy(notes[0:5], [440, 524, 440, 370, 311, 370]) call math.copy(durations[0:5], [7, 7, 14, 7, 7, 14]) note_index = 1 note_count = 6 call sound.freq(notes[0], durations[0]) emit pair_run 5 end end when button.forward == 1 and button.backward == 1 do if state[0] == 0 and state[1] == 0 and state[2] == 0 and state[3] == 0 then new_state[0] = 1 new_state[1] = 1 new_state[2] = 1 new_state[3] = 1 emit pair_run 7 end end call math.copy(state, new_state) callsub display_state # Réagit aux capteurs de proximités (capteur de lumière) onevent prox #=========== when prox.horizontal[0] >= 2000 do # Capteur avant gauche if state[0] == 1 and state[1] == 1 and state[2] == 1 and state[3] == 1 then call leds.top(32,0,0) emit pair_run 8 end end when prox.horizontal[1] >= 2000 do # Capteur entre avant gauche et devant if state[0] == 1 and state[1] == 1 and state[2] == 1 and state[3] == 1 then call leds.top(0,32,0) emit pair_run 9 end end when prox.horizontal[2] >= 2000 do # Capteur de devant if state[0] == 1 and state[1] == 1 and state[2] == 1 and state[3] == 1 then call leds.top(0,0,32) emit pair_run 10 end end when prox.horizontal[3] <= 1000 do # Capteur entre avant droite et devant if state[0] == 1 and state[1] == 1 and state[2] == 1 and state[3] == 1 then call leds.bottom.left(32,0,0) call leds.bottom.right(32,0,0) emit pair_run 11 end end when prox.horizontal[4] <= 1000 do # Capteur avant droite if state[0] == 1 and state[1] == 1 and state[2] == 1 and state[3] == 1 then call leds.bottom.left(0,32,0) call leds.bottom.right(0,32,0) emit pair_run 12 end end when prox.ground.delta[0] >= 450 do # Capteur du bas gauche if state[0] == 1 and state[1] == 1 and state[2] == 1 and state[3] == 1 then call leds.top(0,0,0) call leds.bottom.left(0,32,32) call leds.bottom.right(0,32,32) emit pair_run 13 end end when prox.ground.delta[1] <= 400 do # Capteur du bas droite if state[0] == 1 and state[1] == 1 and state[2] == 1 and state[3] == 1 then call leds.bottom.left(32,32,32) call leds.bottom.right(32,32,32) emit pair_run 14 end end # Réagit au timer = au minuteur, à l'horloge (chronomètre) onevent timer0 #============= timer.period[0] = 0 if state[0] == 0 and state[1] == 0 and state[2] == 0 and state[3] == 0 then call math.copy(notes[0:2], [440, 524, 440]) call math.copy(durations[0:2], [7, 7, 7]) note_index = 1 note_count = 3 call sound.freq(notes[0], durations[0]) call leds.top(0,0,0) call leds.bottom.left(0,0,0) call leds.bottom.right(0,0,0) emit pair_run 6 end if state[0] == 0 and state[1] == 1 and state[2] == 0 and state[3] == 1 then new_state[0] = 0 new_state[1] = 0 new_state[2] = 1 new_state[3] = 1 motor.left.target = 250 motor.right.target = -300 timer.period[0] = 1000 emit pair_run 15 end if state[0] == 0 and state[1] == 0 and state[2] == 1 and state[3] == 1 then motor.left.target = 0 motor.right.target = 0 call math.copy(notes[0:4], [262, 311, 370, 440, 524]) call math.copy(durations[0:4], [7, 7, 7, 7, 7]) note_index = 1 note_count = 5 call sound.freq(notes[0], durations[0]) emit pair_run 16 end # Réagit lorsqu'on tape sur le Thymio onevent tap #========== if state[0] == 1 and state[1] == 1 and state[2] == 1 and state[3] == 1 then new_state[0] = 1 new_state[1] = 1 new_state[2] = 0 new_state[3] = 1 call leds.bottom.left(0,0,32) call leds.bottom.right(0,0,32) emit pair_run 17 end call math.copy(state, new_state) callsub display_state # Réagit au son capté par le microphone onevent mic #========== if state[0] == 1 and state[1] == 1 and state[2] == 0 and state[3] == 1 then new_state[0] = 1 new_state[1] = 1 new_state[2] = 1 new_state[3] = 0 call leds.top(32,32,32) call leds.bottom.left(32,32,32) call leds.bottom.right(32,32,32) emit pair_run 18 end if state[0] == 1 and state[1] == 1 and state[2] == 1 and state[3] == 0 then new_state[0] = 1 new_state[1] = 0 new_state[2] = 1 new_state[3] = 1 call leds.top(0,0,0) call leds.bottom.left(0,0,0) call leds.bottom.right(0,0,0) emit pair_run 19 end call math.copy(state, new_state) callsub display_state # Test d'inclinaison du Thymio (accéléromètre) onevent acc #========== call math.atan2(angle, acc[0], acc[2]) when angle > -9557 and angle < -6827 do # penché sur la gauche if state[0] == 1 and state[1] == 0 and state[2] == 1 and state[3] == 1 then call leds.top(0,32,0) emit pair_run 20 end end call math.atan2(angle, acc[0], acc[2]) when angle > -1365 and angle < 1365 do # penché sur la droite if state[0] == 0 and state[1] == 1 and state[2] == 1 and state[3] == 1 then call leds.bottom.left(0,0,32) call leds.bottom.right(0,0,32) emit pair_run 21 end end call math.atan2(angle, acc[1], acc[2]) when angle > -6800 and angle < -4000 do # penché vers l'avant if state[0] == 1 and state[1] == 0 and state[2] == 1 and state[3] == 1 then call leds.top(0,32,32) emit pair_run 22 end end call math.atan2(angle, acc[1], acc[2]) when angle > 4000 and angle < 7000 do # penché vers l'arrière if state[0] == 1 and state[1] == 0 and state[2] == 1 and state[3] == 1 then call leds.top(32,32,0) emit pair_run 23 end end call math.copy(state, new_state) callsub display_state
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Page mise à jour le 30 septembre 2017 par Bernard Gisin
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